
You can print a signature that was captured with Card Defender when using RMS by following the steps below.


These instructions assume you have already gathered the “Transaction Number” and “Transaction Date” before proceeding to the steps below.

  1. Log in to “Store Operations Manager”.

  2. Click on “Journal” then “View”.

  3. Click “Cancel” on the Batches screen that pops up.

  4. Click “Lookup” near the bottom/ middle on the “Journal Viewer”. 

  5. Adjust the “Start date” and “End date” to the date of the sale you need the signature for and click “OK”.

  6. Select the “Transaction Number” and click “OK”.

  7. Ensure that the details in the receipt says that the verification was “Signature”.

    NOTE: If it does not say signature then NO signature was captured for this transaction and there is no way to recover a signature.

  8. Click on “Tenders” near the bottom/ middle. 

  9. On the screen that pops up click on “Print” at the bottom left to print the signature.
    NOTE: This signature can ONLY be printed on a full page printer and not a receipt printer.

  10. You can now close out all of the windows if you’re done and do not need any other signatures printed.

Special Note: Sales of Card Defender for Microsoft RMS have ended unless you are a beer, wine, or liquor store who is planning on moving to the Cloud Retailer point of sale software in the near future.