
    By default, redeemed loyalty points do not return to the customer’s balance after voiding or returning a transaction. To allow this functionality follow these steps:


Configure Misc. Loyalty item

  1. In the back office create a new product
  2. Set the description as “Default Loyalty Membership Item” or something similar
  3. Set the product type to “Non-Inventory”,
  4. (Optional step) Set the department to “Misc.” category to “Loyalty”
  5. Set the retail price to $0.00 and tax to “No Tax”
  6. Click “Save”

Linking the loyalty item to the loyalty integration

  1. In the back office go to Admin > Admin Catalog > Global Entity settings > Loyalty Integration
  1. In the “Loyalty reward related product” field enter in the item lookup code from the item created in the previous step
  2. Click “Save”

Some users may not have access to certain links in the admin catalog Sync and restart the POS to allow changes to take effect. For each transaction where a customer redeems a reward the item created earlier will show up as a line item on the transaction. This item will act as a point placeholder to allow proper point calculations for when a product is voided or returned.

Here is a video showing the above procedure: