
You can create a Print Gift Receipt button on any Task Pad that has an available button.  Please follow the procedure below.  


  1. Navigate to Admin > Task Pads. Select the Task Pad where the button will live.
  2. Select an unused button and set the text of the button to "Print Gift Receipt".
  3. Select the Command text box and type Print Gift, the field will autofill the required command.
  4. Click the Edit Command Parameter button, an Edit Command Parameter window will appear.
  5. Click on the Properties button.
  6. Make sure "Previous Sales" is the only option selected.
  7. Click the Properties button again to close the window.
  8. A new parameter will appear as "Previous Sale", click the drop-down menu and change it to false.
  9. Click the submit button. The Command should look like the image below:
  10. Scroll back to the top of the page and click [Save] on your Task Pad.

You may need to restart the POS for your new button to appear.

Here is a video highlighting the above procedure: